I've just realised how much I've neglected my blog of late and I do apologise for that. So here's an update on me.
Since the last time I wrote I've ended up back in the Royal a few times. Both with asthma and anaphylaxis. I'm not sure what caused the anaphylaxis but obviously something didn't agree with me. It's often frustrating when that happens, when I don't actually know what caused my hospital admission. I was kept in with each one. There was asthma, then four days later there was anaphylaxis and funnily enough, it was the same A&E doctors that treated me. The main one, she could tell that the anaphylaxis was different from the asthma. I didn't take my adrenaline before I got to the hospital so they gave me a lovely injection of adrenaline into my thigh...that wasn't too fun. I can't really remember it happening though, but I was told later I tried to hit the nurse when she came near me with the needle, it's never a good thing to do when you've got a needle half in and half out of your hand. I felt really bad when the nurse told me that so I apologised a lot but she just laughed it off and said that she would have probably have done the same if she had been in my situation. I can't remember much of A&E from that time...my boyfriend and his mum were in the hospital and I can't really remember them coming to see me, which they did. They said that I kept falling asleep...it does take a lot out of you though so they don't blame me for falling asleep. Since then though there's been no more admissions. I'm still on steriods at the moment, down to 20mg a day, reducing by 10mg every 3 days until I am off them so not too long to go now. It's just a waiting game really, just waiting to see if this time I can avoid hospital for longer than a week after coming off steriods, which I hope I can.
I aim to update everyone soon about how I'm doing, but today is a good day and I'm just relaxing at my boyfriends house :) xxx
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