Friday, 18 January 2013


I got my appendix out...November 2012, and I spent most of that time in the hospital due to stomach issues, for once not my asthma or allergies.

I spent 5 days in the hospital due to an un-known cause, which gave me vomiting and also severe stomach pains. After getting discharged 2 days later I was back. I was crying in A&E as I was in so much pain. I got the good drugs...morphine...I was away with it. I felt like I was floating, it was weird but I liked it all the same :)

I got my appendix out on a sunday and ended up with an infection from the surgery. After being discharged I needed to go back in with a really high temperature and stomach pains. After some I.V antibiotics I was eventually on the mend and now it's almost like nothing happened :)

I'm back :)

So I will admit, I totally forgot about my blog. My life's been really busy of late so please forgive me for my long absence.

I've been in and out of hospital as usual :/ Unfortunately I've had more trips to intensive care and high dependency. I've been busy with school but my latest school report showed that I was doing well in the sense that I tried hard enough as I got all excellent's :) Here's some pictures of my life since I last posted :)